Bet optimization is about finding the correct relationship between odds, considered risk and potential winnings.

Over the years we have experimented with several betting combinations in order to find the optimal ratio between the value of the odds, the calculated risk one is “willing” to accept, and the potential winnings desired.

An extended calculation of risk and benefit that considers multiple factors, where The values obtained should be the most balanced and profitable as possible.

This is why we also delved into the types of quotas used. Procedere con la selezione della tua giocata presuppone che tu abbia già chiaro anche l’obiettivo a cui ambisci e quindi il tipo di bolla adatto da scommettere.

The types of plays represent a general indication, they are not prepackaged bubbles. Pubblichiamo sempre e volentieri dei suggestions, but the plays already made are inconsistent with our mission e philosophy and prevents the player from achieving the maturity and autonomy we hope for.

Obviously, given the same final bubble odds, the difference in money depends on theamount wagered, but it must be part of a longer-term strategy.

Every bettor should avoid waste and unnecessary or even foolish risks with unoptimized bubbles. The important thing is create your own trend And evaluate the total stakes. Increasing the stake is all too easy, but it must be a logical consequence of a game strategy.

Especially for those who are new to betting, it can also be useful to do a test period with bubbles that use real data and results but without putting real money on the line.

In this case it is necessary to make the effort to maintain plausible amounts, those that could later become cash, in order to be already psychologically prepared to handle wins and losses.

A set of bets are placed within a larger context that I have defined as a pattern of play and which also includes other factors such as how often to bet, the number of bubbles, psychological aspects, experiences and resources of various kinds.

The play pattern is a kind of matrix composed of several plays that is repeated (if necessary even with elasticity in its composition) and brings several benefits.
It allows you to know, for example, your level of risk over time, understood as your propensity to place more conservative or ambitious/difficult bubbles, to know when and how much to scale up or down, to manage negative periods.

Please note.: The types of bubbles proposed are standard plays, there is no pretense of reinventing hot water, only the intention to place the appropriate odds within the bets best suited to your playing pattern.


Doubling or stuffed doubling, a very popular play among bettors. Typically with the inclusion of 2/3 quotas, valid averages and coverage of Natural Predictions.

I distinguished between Double and Double+ because in the long run a double with odds of about 2.5 can bring some valuable benefit if we consider that, in practice, having a roster with the same number of bets won and lost is not so obvious.

Personally, however, I prefer to focus on prediction selections over total odds. To get a doubling odds are. sufficient 2 shares of 1.44, no need to bear much risk.

Relative to Natural Predictions, but also in general, it could be, for example, a double chance or a goal scored or conceded.

Although these odds greatly increase the coverage capacity of a match, be aware that you will be faced with a high number of “slicks”, i.e., bets lost by 1 in 2 errors.

Be mentally prepared, because it is quite common. The important thing is to monitor the trend. Elevated does not mean chronic, in which case there is something to revise in the choices of predictions probably.

It may be that this type of bet does not fit your risk profile or you may even get more benefit from betting with higher odds, less winnings but larger payouts.

The play of the real bettors, one game. Although I am a lover of systems, I have come to appreciate the single bubble, which I christened SingolFix.

With fixed odds 1, X, 2 or high double chances and value of at least three times the stake, all the way to the poetic licenses of X+Gol or fixed result.

With the new version of the platform, some useful statistics are available for analyzing high odds, such as the trend of exact results.

SingolFix fits the game perfectly live, where the evolution of the game can cause the odds to rise rapidly. In the last few minutes of the game, as recovery approaches, even a single goal can raise the odds significantly.

One advantage of dry singles over Natural Predictions is simplicity: “zero flutter”. Per stressare il concetto, spesso potrebbe bastare uno sguardo al tabellone per Identify fixed odds on expected signs from Natural Predictions with particularly favorable conditions.

In a sense, it is a matter of trust rather than time spent on analysis, whether by choice or lack of time. It is also for this reason that we created the dashboard and insights.

The play of the real bettors, one game. Although I am a lover of systems, I have come to appreciate the single bubble, which I christened SingolFix.

With fixed odds 1, X, 2 or high double chances and value of at least three times the stake, all the way to the poetic licenses of X+Gol or fixed result.

With the new version of the platform, some useful statistics are available for analyzing high odds, such as the trend of exact results.

SingolFix fits the game perfectly live, where the evolution of the game can cause the odds to rise rapidly. In the last few minutes of the game, as recovery approaches, even a single goal can raise the odds significantly.

One advantage of dry singles over Natural Predictions is simplicity: “zero flutter”. Per stressare il concetto, spesso potrebbe bastare uno sguardo al tabellone per Identify fixed odds on expected signs from Natural Predictions with particularly favorable conditions.

In a sense, it is a matter of trust rather than time spent on analysis, whether by choice or lack of time. It is also for this reason that we created the dashboard and insights.

Double and triple ties (“and what did you realize?” Cit.) are two always attractive modes of tie. We are again in a minefield and the common sense considerations just described apply.

A double tie is X10 on average, a triple X is much more ambitious with an odds of around X30 (it might be worth to hold a hedge line for an error).

I think all bettors love draws, or at least their always very generous odds, and with the Natural Predictions platform (now with 3 more leagues) on Saturday and Sunday there are always very interesting situations for the fateful Xs.

For example, two teams both waiting to draw, perhaps with a good series of Odd Goal Sums in progress, who knows none that have yet made a 0-0 since the start of the season.

The first time I realized a fantastic win with a SuperMultiple9 I thought, in all honesty, that I had just had a big, impromptu lucky break.
I began to put faith in this play more as a “due act” for the realized cash than out of any real belief in the type of bubble.

The SuperMultiple9 is a multiple bubble a 9-match system, to be played with a subjective error tolerance affecting the total amount wagered.
I have already described it in great detail, including with dedicated videos on our YouTube channel.

SuperMultiple9 uses low and medium odds to respect the consistency between amount played, risk limitation, hedging and potential winnings.
Typically, SuperMultiple9 is suitable for the weekend, when many Natural Predictions are present.

I therefore choose odds, indicatively between 1.20 and 2.20 approximately, to get an average odds per pronouncement of about 1.6. For simplicity and immediacy I check that the total odds of the 9-game multiple, the dry say, exceed a value of at least 25 to 30 times the stake.

From this value up, the other multiples at 7 and 8 will also have an appropriate ratio of amount spent/potential winnings. The moment all nine Natural Predictions are met, cascading all 8, 7 multiples will consequently result in winning with higher amounts.

It is crucial to remember that with a nine-game system you can also benefit from an excellent bonus which can be as high as 30 percent more on the total, depending on the bookmaker used.
Below is an example of distribution of the amount wagered on the various multiples.

  • 36 Multiple to 7 from € 0.25 each (total € 9)
  • 9 Multiple to 8 from € 1 each (total € 9)
  • 1 Multiple at 9 from € 2

The key aspect is the broad payoff of this play, which allows one to wisely aim for a nice win but, at the same time, to
equally collect recoveries of all or part of the bet, depending on the mistakes made.

They started from the pinnacle of SuperMultiple, the one with 9 games maximum, but in these last two seasons I can say that the formula with 6 games has performed very well.

The scaling down of the winnings, in my opinion, is worth the significant reduction in risk. On my Instagram profile I have posted several winning bubbles with this “scaled-down” system.

The SuperMultipleQuoteAlte is a system-based multiple bubble similar to the SuperMultiple9 but which uses high odds. Ciò consente, a maggior ragione rispetto alla SuperMultipla con quote medie, di utilizzare un Fewer selections., even up to 5 instead of 9 matches.

With high stakes, the level of difficulty is increased out of all proportion; dreaming is permissible but one must remain down-to-earth and pragmatic. For this type of system, let’s consider, for starters, the benchmark of reference average of 30 percent (1 in 3 matches) of Natural Predictions with fixed odds 1, X or 2.
It is impossible for all Natural Predictions to be fulfilled on the same day in all leagues just as it is equally impossible the other way around.

The platform allows you to monitor every aspect of the trends of all types and then direct you to the most frequent leagues and results, really so many resources on all current home and away series with lots of useful and practical insights.

Also for the SuperMultipleQuoteAlte I had already posted a video with the main pointers to consider when selecting Natural Predictions.

I will see to it that both videos are updated to include all the new statistics and resources from the new version of the platform.

As a quick non-exhaustive list, I can mention the following aspects.

  • Leagues and teams that are particularly performers with Natural Predictions, either actively or passively or those who have not yet made one (depending on the time of the season).
  • Spread the odds on several different leagues
  • Evaluation of double Natural Predictions pending draws, possibly with odd goal sum series in progress.
  • Odd Goal Sum, Goal, Over 2.5, Double Chance 1X or X2 at odds greater than 2/2.20.
  • Matches with Natural Predictions “main” pending victory vs. defeat or vice versa, with home and away favorable.
  • Results Situation and Natural Predictions of the current weekend, if we are at Sunday: what might be missing or have already been too frequent?
  • Avoid low odds that are inconsistent with the type of bets and do not allow you to optimize the bet (and if you miss just the one you get twice as upset!).

On the Instagram profile I posted some examples of SuperMultipleQuoteAlte winning even with 2 errors. Always keep in mind that this system has a huge potential and therefore it may also be worth (I now do it as a matter of course) devoting A coin to an additional single on the dry multiple to be burned first with an eventual cash out, the moment the bubble starts well. This way we can keep another cash out or the other coin on the total multiple for the hit.

Below is an example of the distribution of the betting amount on the multiple lines from triples to the sixth dry for a total of € 8.35.

  • 6 Multiple to 5 from € 0.35 each (total € 2.10)
  • 15 Multiple to 4 from € 0.15 each (total € 2.25)
  • 20 Multiple to 3 from € 0.10 each (total € 2.00)
  • 1 Multiple 6 from € 1 each (total € 1)
  • + 1 Multiple 6 from € 1 each (total € 1)